Reputation For Training Excellence
Our goal is to provide you with the materials you need to successfully earn your ACLS or PALS certification. We know that health and medical professionals rely on their training when they are out in the field and lives are on the line. That’s why our ACLS and PALS study materials strictly follow the most current American Heart Association Guidelines and why our entire certification process was written, tested and approved by licensed medical doctors who use ACLS and PALS protocols every day.
Our purpose is to educate and to support our customers throughout the certification or recertification process. This is why we’ve worked so hard to develop clear and easy-to-understand test prep material and why we offer applicants an unlimited amount of free practice tests. This is also why we’ve developed an entirely online certification process. We know health and medical workers are some of the busiest professionals around. Our online system allows them to study when they can, wherever they may be and to take as long they need to prepare before taking the test.
Our course materials are created for every level of health practitioner, from beginners to seasoned medical professionals. No matter where you’re starting at, we will help you achieve the certification you need to meet the requirements of your job, advance your career or improve your professional resume.